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2 Replies

  @Madeline1208 from Indiana disagreed…2wks2W

when did I force anyone to celebrate my identity

if you're referring to the trans day of remembrance is a holiday to remember trans people who were murdered. Nobody asked you to celebrate it if you don't want

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…2wks2W

Transgender people force everyone to celebrate their identity by demanding that we use made-up "pronouns" and crying if we don't. Also, loads of transgenderites are literally so hypersensitive that whenever anyone refuses to play along with their game, they threaten to commit suicide – the most narcissistic thing imaginable. And the notion that trans people are being murdered, or that there's a "trans genocide" in America is BS. When you actually examine the statistics correctly, and factor in everything, transgenderites are *SAFER* than the average white…  Read more

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