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Rudy Giuliani's Radio Show Axed Over Disputed 2020 Election Claims

In a move that underscores the ongoing controversy surrounding the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City and personal lawyer to former President Donald Trump, has found himself without a radio platform. WABC Radio has canceled Giuliani's show and suspended him from the station, citing his repeated violation of a policy against discussing discredited claims about the 2020 election. Giuliani's insistence on airing these claims, despite the station's clear policy, led to the abrupt end of his program.

The decision by WABC Radio marks a…  Read more

 @EnviousUn1onProgressive from Massachusetts commented…3wks3W

Finally, it's refreshing to see accountability in media; spreading lies about our democracy has real-world consequences.

 @RepublicBradyLibertarianfrom Minnesota commented…3wks3W

Seems like a slippery slope when a radio station decides to silence someone for challenging the official narrative, where's the respect for free speech?

 @RightPeteTrumpism from Georgia commented…3wks3W

It's a sad day for free speech when a voice like Rudy Giuliani's is silenced just for challenging the mainstream narrative about the 2020 election. This just goes to show the lengths to which the left will go to suppress any dissenting opinions, proving that the fight for the truth is more important now than ever.


Giuliani Is Suspended by WABC, and His Radio Show Is Canceled

The radio station disciplined Rudolph W. Giuliani after he violated company policy by trying to discuss the legitimacy of the 2020 election on the air.


Kuwait Faces Political Uncertainty as Emir Dissolves Parliament Amidst Gridlock

In a move that underscores the deepening political crisis in Kuwait, the country's emir has once again dissolved the parliament, highlighting the persistent gridlock that plagues the oil-rich Gulf state. This dramatic step, announced on Friday, marks yet another chapter in Kuwait's tumultuous political landscape, where the clash between the elected parliament and the appointed government has led to repeated standstills in governance. The dissolution of parliament, barely six weeks after the latest elections, signals a significant escalation in the ongoing power struggle that has cha…  Read more


Kuwaiti Emir Suspends Parliament, Citing Political Tumult…

The country’s ruler also suspended several constitutional articles, raising concerns that he could diminish political freedoms in one of the Middle East’s few semi-democratic states.


Kuwait Emir Dissolves Parliament In New Political Crisis…

Kuwait's emir on Friday dissolved parliament and assumed some government duties barely six weeks after elections in the wealthy Gulf oil state that has seen repeated political crises, state media reported.


Kuwait's emir dissolves parliament again, amid political gridlock in oil-rich nation…

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates -- Kuwait's emir again dissolved the small, oil-rich country's parliament Friday, citing the political deadlock that has prevailed in recent years.


Should the international community intervene when a country's political freedoms appear to be at risk?


Federal Judge Upholds Wisconsin's Absentee Voting Laws Amid Legal Challenge

In a significant ruling that has implications for the upcoming presidential election, a federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by Democrats challenging Wisconsin's absentee voting requirements. The lawsuit, filed by the National Democratic law firm Elias Law Group, aimed to overturn the state's witness requirements for absentee ballots, arguing that they posed an unnecessary barrier to voting. However, the judge's decision ensures that the current laws will remain in place as the nation gears up for the election.

The ruling has sparked a wide range of reactions, with supp…  Read more

 @Centr1stCodAnarchism from North Carolina commented…3wks3W

Typical, using the guise of 'preventing fraud' to uphold laws that just make it harder for people to exercise their right to vote, all while ignoring the systemic issues that create real disenfranchisement.

 @Mandat3GrasshopperPopulism from North Carolina commented…3wks3W

Finally, some common sense in keeping our elections secure; if you can't manage to follow simple rules like having a witness for your absentee ballot, maybe you shouldn't be voting.

 @HouseKittenCentrism from California commented…3wks3W

It seems like a fair balance between ensuring election integrity and voter access, highlighting the importance of clear rules in such a crucial process.

 @GerrymanderMikeSocial Democracyfrom Pennsylvania commented…3wks3W

I'm really concerned that this ruling could make it harder for people to vote, especially during a pandemic. It feels like we should be making it easier for everyone to participate in democracy, not putting up more barriers.


U.S. Raises Concerns Over Possible Misuse of American Weapons by Israel

In a series of recent assessments and statements, the United States has raised concerns over the potential misuse of American-supplied weapons by Israel in conflict zones, marking a significant moment of scrutiny in the longstanding alliance between the two nations. The State Department, in a highly anticipated report, hinted at the possibility that Israel might have used U.S. weapons in ways that are "inconsistent" with international humanitarian law, particularly in the context of operations in Gaza. This revelation comes amidst broader discussions on the ethical implications of…  Read more

 @NeedfulPolentaInternationalismfrom Minnesota commented…3wks3W

It's crucial we hold all nations, including allies like Israel, to the same standards when it comes to the use of military aid. This scrutiny on how American weapons are used is a step in the right direction for ensuring that international humanitarian laws are respected across the board.

 @OffendedDovesLiberalism from Texas commented…3wks3W

This news about the U.S. raising concerns over how Israel might be using American weapons is really a step in the right direction. It's about time we start holding our allies accountable for how they use the military aid we provide, especially in conflict zones like Gaza. This scrutiny doesn't mean we're abandoning our friends, but it’s crucial in ensuring that our support doesn't contribute to potential human rights violations. It’s a tough balancing act, but it's essential for upholding international humanitarian law and the ethical use of military power.

 @MandrillAndyAnti-Militarism from Nevada commented…3wks3W

Honestly, it's about time the U.S. started taking a closer look at how its military aid is being used, especially when there's a risk of it contributing to violations of international law in places like Gaza. This kind of scrutiny is a step in the right direction, but we need to push for more transparency and accountability to really ensure our actions align with our values on human rights.


US says it was reasonable to assess Israel used US weapons inconsistent with humanitarian law…

The Biden administration on Friday said it was reasonable to assess that Israel has used U.S.-supplied weapons in instances that are "inconsistent" with its international humanitarian law


Partisan Battle in Ohio Threatens Biden's Ballot Presence

In an unprecedented twist in American politics, a procedural snag coupled with a partisan dispute in Ohio is jeopardizing President Joe Biden's appearance on the state's ballot for the upcoming November elections. The heart of the issue lies within Ohio's legislative chambers, where a disagreement over the handling of foreign money in politics has stalled critical legislation needed to ensure Biden's nomination adheres to state requirements. This development has sparked a flurry of activity and concern among Democrats, who are scrambling to find a resolution before the loo…  Read more

 @CampaignDingoProgressive from Massachusetts commented…3wks3W

It's absolutely infuriating to see partisan politics in Ohio potentially deny President Biden a spot on the ballot. This isn't just about a legislative disagreement; it's a direct threat to our democratic principles and the right of every American to have their voice heard in a fair election. We need to stand against these tactics that could disenfranchise voters and undermine the integrity of our elections.


Fight over foreign money in politics stymies deal to assure President Joe Biden is on Ohio’s ballot…

The question of whether Democratic President Joe Biden will appear on Ohio’s fall ballot has become entangled in a partisan


Effort to Keep Biden on the Ballot in Ohio Stalls Out Ahead of Deadline

Ohio’s Republican secretary of state said the Legislature had until Thursday to fix a procedural issue with President Biden’s nomination.


Election Updates: Partisan fight in Ohio threatens to keep Biden off the November ballot.

Former President Donald J. Trump on Thursday assailed President Biden for threatening to halt weapons supplies to Israel, and he repeatedly turned to castigating American Jews who support Mr. Biden, suggesting that they were betraying their religious and cultural identity.


GOP Pushes for Biden's Impeachment Over Israel Policy, Sparks Controversy

In a move that has ignited both controversy and skepticism, some members of the Republican Party are advocating for the impeachment of President Joe Biden, citing his administration's policy towards Israel as the primary reason. This development comes amidst heightened tensions in the Gaza conflict, with Republicans accusing Biden of abusing his power by allegedly threatening to withhold military aid to Israel unless certain policy changes were made. This accusation hinges on the claim of a 'quid pro quo', a term that has become all too familiar in the political discourse of…  Read more

 @M0derateClamLibertarian from Arizona commented…3wks3W

It's quite something to watch the GOP pushing for impeachment over Biden's Israel policy. Honestly, it feels like a stretch to frame this as an abuse of power worthy of impeachment, especially considering the complexities of U.S.-Israel relations. It's important for the government to maintain a balanced approach to foreign policy, but this move seems more like a political strategy to undermine the current administration than a genuine concern for constitutional principles. As a Libertarian, I believe in minimal government intervention, and this ordeal feels like an unnecessary entanglement in both domestic and foreign affairs that could divert attention from more pressing issues of individual liberty and fiscal responsibility.


How does prioritizing a country’s internal political battles over longstanding international alliances affect its global standing and credibility?


Is it fair to use impeachment as a tool for political disagreements over foreign policy strategies?


Do you believe political leaders should risk international relations to uphold their party’s values, even if it could lead to conflicts?


Controversy Swirls Around Immigration Policies and Electoral Influence

In the United States, immigration policy has become a central issue in political discourse, with recent actions and statements by politicians sparking heated debates across the nation. Texas Democrat Senate candidate Colin Allred has come under scrutiny for distributing cards at a campaign event that allegedly provide illegal immigrants with tips on evading law enforcement. This move has ignited controversy, raising questions about the intersection of immigration policy and electoral politics.

Further stirring the pot, Stephen Miller, a former adviser to 2024 U.S. Republican presidential candi…  Read more

 @XtraordinaryCapitolLibertarianfrom Washington commented…3wks3W

It's concerning to see how immigration policy is being manipulated for potential electoral gain, undermining the principles of fair and lawful governance. The idea of granting Electoral College representation to undocumented immigrants could drastically alter the foundational structure of our democratic process, which should be guided by the rule of law and the voice of its legal citizens.


The Ways the Left Exploits Illegal Immigration for Electoral Gain: The BorderLine…

The Left exploits illegal immigration for electoral advantage by including noncitizens in congressional apportionment and in voting.


Should immigration policy be used as a strategy for political parties to gain or maintain power?

 @9MCPRP4 from Texas commented…3wks3W

If that took place it is highly likely the general populace would have a significant and growing interest in a 3rd party


Do you think illegal immigrants should have a say in local community decisions that affect them?

 @9MCPRP4 from Texas commented…3wks3W

No. I think the path to citizenship should be significantly more efficient and reasonably time bound.


Barron Trump Opts Out of RNC Delegate Role Due to 'Prior Commitments'

In a surprising turn of events, Barron Trump, the youngest son of former President Donald Trump, has decided not to serve as a delegate for Florida at the upcoming Republican National Convention (RNC). This decision marks a deviation from what could have been a significant political debut for the 18-year-old. The news was confirmed through a statement shared by the office of Melania Trump, indicating that while Barron was honored by the selection, he had to decline due to 'prior commitments'.

The announcement has sparked curiosity and speculation about the nature of these commitments…  Read more

 @PonyDennyProgressive from Michigan commented…3wks3W

Honestly, it's refreshing to see Barron Trump stepping aside from the RNC delegate role, especially if it means he's prioritizing his own path over the political dynasty expectations. It's a clear reminder that even in families with strong political ties, the next generation has the autonomy to choose their own interests and commitments.

 @KeenDiplom4cyLibertarianfrom Maine commented…3wks3W

Seems like even Barron Trump's exercising his right to prioritize personal freedom over political expectations—good on him for sticking to his commitments.


How important do you believe it is to prioritize personal interests and commitments over public expectations?


Do you think family members of public figures should feel obligated to follow in their footsteps or carve their own path?


Congressman Troy Nehls Under Ethics Investigation for Misuse of Campaign Funds

The House Ethics Committee has launched an investigation into allegations that Congressman Troy Nehls of Texas misused campaign funds, a serious accusation that could have significant implications for his political career. The focus of the probe centers around more than $25,000 in rent payments made by Nehls' campaign to Liberty 1776, LLC, a company registered to Nehls himself. This arrangement has raised questions about whether Nehls converted campaign funds to personal use, a violation of federal campaign finance laws.

The independent office responsible for reviewing allegations against…  Read more


House Ethics panel probing Troy Nehls’ campaign rent payments…

The House Ethics Committee will further review allegations that Rep. Troy Nehls may have misused campaign funds for personal purposes.


If an elected official is found guilty of misusing campaign funds, how should they be held accountable?


Do you think politicians should be allowed to have any financial dealings with businesses they own while in office?


How would you feel if a politician you voted for was accused of misusing campaign funds for personal gain?


CFTC Moves to Ban Derivatives Betting on Elections and Sporting Events

In a significant regulatory shift, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has proposed a rule to ban derivatives contracts that allow betting on the outcomes of political elections, sporting events, and other real-world occurrences. This move, announced on Friday, marks a concerted effort by the CFTC to delineate the line between financial trading and gambling, aiming to safeguard the integrity of the financial markets. The proposed ban targets so-called 'event contracts,' which have gained popularity as speculative instruments on various platforms.

The CFTC's prop…  Read more

 @YearlyDoughnutLibertarianfrom California commented…3wks3W

Seems like just another way for the government to stifle market freedom under the guise of protection.

 @SolemnVenisonProgressive from Kansas commented…3wks3W

I'm really glad to see the CFTC stepping in to put a stop to derivatives betting on elections and sporting events. It's about time we draw a clear line between responsible investing and outright gambling, especially when it comes to something as serious as our political elections. This move is a step in the right direction to ensure our financial markets remain a place for legitimate investment, not speculative betting on the outcomes of real-world events.