Try the political quiz

11 Replies


How does the idea of removing a political leader because of disagreements on foreign aid influence your views on political accountability?


How might prioritizing certain international relationships over domestic policies impact your trust in government leadership?

 @9LLLKKN from New Mexico commented…2wks2W

If countries try to prioritize international we could gain good or bad idealogies depending on how much they are influenced.


What are your thoughts on international aid decisions potentially causing major leadership changes in government?


I think that our government should be purely decided by the people of America without the influence of international aid.


In a situation where foreign aid and border security are pitted against each other, which should be given precedence and why?


Do you believe that a leader's stance on foreign aid should affect their position in government?

 @G3rrym4nderFoxLibertarian from New York commented…2wks2W

Pardon me for not being able to keep a straight face. House Republicans just voted against requiring warrants to spy on Americans in the name of National Security, AFTER VOTING TO FUND BORDER INVASION THAT LETS TERRORISTS AND CRIMINALS INTO THE COUNTRY 24/7 EVERY SINGLE DAY.

 @BrainyC4pitalistConstitutionfrom Illinois commented…2wks2W

As I always say

Most of Congress holds their electorate in contempt

Blatantly thumbing their noses at the very constituents they took an oath to protect

The taxed masses are not represented anymore

I think in the past this led to *something*

 @PridefulCivilRightsRepublican from Texas commented…2wks2W

Mike Johnson is a Democrat. House Republicans should pick a Republican to lead as Speaker or they should leave the Speaker's chair vacant.

 @P0litic4lPlatformJimmyPatriotfrom Oregon commented…2wks2W

The American people stand with Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massie.


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