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16 Replies


How do you reconcile the diverse opinions within a population about the morality and legality of abortion?

 @9KY6LGG from Washington answered…2mos2MO

I don't care at all what people think, because the moral law is not dependent on popular opinion.

 @9L8QC2C from Indiana commented…2mos2MO

When a woman finds out she is pregnant that means she is carrying a baby, no matter how small. That means that something is growing inside that woman and that no matter who says what, when you abort the child you are ending a possible life. Emotionally, I can understand why someone would want to get rid of the baby of a rapist or from insect, but in the best interest of the lives and happiness of people who physically cannot have children, giving a child up for adoption would be more morally correct than abortion. Now, legally you cannot go to prison for an abortion, though it is a double sta…  Read more

 @P0l1cyChrisRepublicanfrom Texas commented…2mos2MO

I think fifteen weeks is more than enough time to limit abortions after. Heck, even at twelve weeks or well before that, the pregnancy should be more than well known to the mother/parents. Fifteen weeks is more than enough time to limit abortions within, with the exception of health or rape reasons.

 @FerventPublicPolicyDemocratfrom Georgia disagreed…2mos2MO

When things go wrong in pregnancy, it's usually later. In Texas, women are finding that they need to leave the state if the pregnancy will kill them. That's because the way the law is written, they can be sued for performing the abortion, and have to defend in court that it threatened the mother's life. Plus they have to pay their own lawyer's fees, again, because of the way the law is written.


What role, if any, do you believe healthcare providers should play in the decision-making process for abortion laws?


If voters have the chance to shape abortion laws directly through a constitutional amendment, what factors should they consider?


Should personal or religious beliefs influence laws on medical procedures like abortion?

 @MinorityWhipPretzelsConstitution from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

Women who had not aborted in the past accounted for 58% of all abortions; women with one or two prior abortions accounted for 34%, and women with three or more prior abortions accounted for 8% (CDC).

Just under half of all abortions are "Return Visits", not a nice way to say it, but maybe after the first, both parties should be offered some form of semi permanent birth control?

 @WittyRoadrunnerPatriotfrom Maine commented…2mos2MO

The rest of the civilized world stops abortions at ~ 15 weeks. North Korea, China, Singapore, Denmark and Canada go longer. But in general, some blue states (California, New York, etc.) in the US have abortion laws that are more extreme than everyone else in the world with the exception of NK and China.

The radical position is legal abortion after the second trimester and the still atypical position is legal abortion in the latter half of the second trimester, like Virginia which allows it until the end of the 2nd trimester. This is extreme in the rest of the world and looked upon by most developed countries as barbaric.

 @SugaryRightsWorking Family from Kentucky commented…2mos2MO

It continues to dumbfound me that the same states who are so adamantly opposed to abortion are also opposed to meaningful assistance to the unintended or unwanted children who are born.

 @DotterelAlexDemocratfrom Georgia commented…2mos2MO

Every woman in every state has to vote for democrats in the November election. You can’t leave this important decision on women’s health up to white men. They like trump. They don’t care about women’s health, except to have control over them.

 @MurkyC0nstitutionDemocrat from Ohio commented…2mos2MO

Women need this service badly. I hope they are able to ramp it up effectively. I am so appalled at what’s happening in this country to women’s reproductive rights. The latest court decision that determined an embryo is a child is simply outrageous. I guess some judges have decided they are not only theologians but doctors. They are making decision based on their religious beliefs on matters of which they have no knowledge, experience, or expertise.

 @C0nstituti0nBagelsWomen’s Equalityfrom Missouri commented…2mos2MO

Women are not prisoners of the states they live in. Gambling is illegal in Utah, but a resident of Utah can go to Vegas and gamble legally. What's the difference?

The difference is that the rightwing wants to punish women any way they can.

This Florida ruling proves it-- they are after fetal personhood, which has far-reaching consequences, one of which is restricting many common forms of birth control.

Women will be walking dual-legal entities at *fertilization* if the GOP wins enough power in 2024. Or it can come via the Comstock Act.

These women mailing the pills are heroes.


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