Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @EcstaticPretzelsLibertarian from Colorado commented…2mos2MO

The blowback and unintended consequences from our short sighted politicians and military industrial complex of this proxy war on Russia has just been amazing.

Putin’s clowns are Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, Victoria Nuland and our whole State and Defense Department.

 @JollyFlamingoGreen from Illinois commented…2mos2MO

Biden’s disastrous foreign policy has made the world more dangerous. I like the orange fellow better. He made friends not enemies.

 @PolentaIkeWorking Family from California commented…2mos2MO

The orange guy alienated our allies to the point where German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, "We [Europe] are on our own now."

The "friends" the orange guy made include Putin, Kim, and some other dictators.

Biden had to go a long way to get allies to work with the USA on Ukraine, the Middle East, and China after the orange guy almost destroyed our alliances.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

Why do I, as an American citizen crying out under the yoke of devastating inflation, an invasion at the Southern Border, the industrialised butchery of a million unborn children per year via abortion, and an unelected bureaucracy that's at open war with my constitutional rights and liberties, give a darn about the leader of North Korea getting a freaking car?! Don't you think there's more important issues to discuss?!

 @Bl4ckBoxHedgehogConstitutionfrom Washington commented…2mos2MO

This should not come as a surprise. It was a very predictable possibility that Russia would look to allies with the ability to bolster their military position, just as Ukraine did. Somehow, it never dawned on the pooh-bahs in DC that the conflict could throw an economic and technological lifeline to North Korea and Iran, but it should have. I guess the lessons of Kosovo did not sink in. In that one, the retrograde of the high-tech weapons we used there provided a giant leap forward for the Chinese military.

I don't know what is going on here, but we keep seeing it. The people we…  Read more

 @SenateSeatRickRepublicanfrom North Carolina commented…2mos2MO

Oh wow, a Russian car for Kim Jong-un. How original.

Guess that's one way to solidify their bromance.

 @OutlyingMandateDemocrat from Texas commented…2mos2MO

Russia(fascism), North Korea(communism), Iran(islamic extremism)+MAGA putinists. Interesting alliance.


How does the act of gifting a luxury car by a country's leader to another impact your view of their priorities and governance?


What message do you think the gesture of gifting a luxury car sends in the context of international politics?


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