Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9JS7X2V from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

It will probably be the same, however we will see how they are celebrated elsewhere as well.

 @9JSQ375Democrat from Illinois disagreed…4mos4MO

A more culturally uniform society will create a cookie-cutter celebration of every single achievement.


 @9JS5ZS6 from West Virginia answered…4mos4MO

I believe that there needs to be more support for personal beliefs and to recognize that we are all individuals and we all should be able to celebrate special occasions and achievements in our own way. I believe our society is becoming too sensitive to pushing belif systems on others and people are becomeing too defensive with people who are making an effort to not say things that are harmful, but it is taken the wrong way. We should all respect each other's culture, and want to allow others to be able to celebrate in the way that they feel they should for their own personal reasons. People tend to let their own cultural beliefs and religious beliefs get in the way of allowing for someone different to have their own.