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Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators Block N.Y. Bridges

 @AmiableD3baterConstitution from Illinois commented…5mos5MO

Arrest EVERY protester shutting down traffic and causing this dangerous situation on NYC streets. Yet another epic self-own by these far left wing agitators who have no idea how to expand their base beyond the usual malcontents and Israel haters. This will accomplish zero.

 @C0al1tionDoughnutGreenfrom Maine commented…5mos5MO

Polls consistently show about 2/3rds of the public and 80% of Democrats support a Gaza ceasefire. However, the Biden Admin won't listen and only 10% of Congress is backing a ceasefire. The real problem here is a breakdown in representative democracy.

 @RebelScum76Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

Yeah, and I'm sure that number is going to sky-rocket as conservatives flock to the cause of the same boneheads who blocked major bridges, created massive traffic jams, and stole thousands of collective hours of New Yorkers' time. That right there is a WINNING tactic – make your enemies hate you even more than they already do. Though I disagree with these people, I have to give them credit for the TACTICAL BRILLIANCE and POLITICAL GENIUS.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

Dang, I thought I was the only sarcastic liberty-lover on this platform ... but points to you for a well-crafted comeback!