Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



Do you think the human race will ever reach a point where war is obsolete?

 @9JZFJZH  from Michigan answered…4mos4MO

 @9K7CSND from Illinois agreed…3mos3MO

Human history is riddled with examples of conflict, driven by a range of factors including greed, power, and territorial disputes. While some may argue that humanity has evolved beyond the need for war, the reality is that there will always be individuals and groups driven by self-interest, jealousy, and the desire to dominate others. These innate aspects of human nature perpetuate cycles of violence and conflict, making the idea of a war-free world seem utopian. Until we address the fundamental flaws in human behavior and societal structures that contribute to aggression and competition, the notion of war becoming obsolete remains elusive.