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What is your stance on abortion?


 @9GWDZ64  from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

There are better options that should be prioritized over abortion. For those undergoing an 'unwanted pregnancy', they should be allowed to give birth as a 'surrogate' with the understanding that a want-to-be mother who cannot survive pregnancy and/or childbirth would be best served through adoption.


Pregnancy is not only a huge emotional tole but also a huge hormonal tole. It is not easy to be a surrogate, to make someone who already does not want to be pregnant stay pregnant then deal with the hormonal aspect from it would just be cruel. If abortion is wanted or needed, then that is not only the woman's choice but also her right.

  @9J2FMT7  from Arkansas commented…5mos5MO

Having an abortion also has an affect on your hormones, not just your pregnancy. Having an abortion would not fix the problem. In fact, it does not fix any problems. It is also not your right to end someone's life because they make your life less convenient.