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3 Replies

 @9GTBY3Y  from Virginia disagreed…6mos6MO

People making minimum wages don't pay taxes, as a matter of fact, 57% of households don't pay federal income tax at all. Never have I lived in a minimum wage household, so maybe I'm a bit naive, but raising minimum wage only makes goods and services more expensive, inflating the economy, which is not something that I want.

  @Devroe  from Texas commented…6mos6MO

I disagree with this pretty much in its entirety. I’m not sure where your statistics came from but a quick google search will tell you that the number of households who don’t pay income tax is about 40%. Also, this information doesn’t add anything to this particular discussion. I, unlike you, have lived in a minimum wage household as well as worked minimum wage jobs myself. I can assure you I paid income tax. I was able to get the majority of that refunded come tax time, but it was still income that would have served me better throughout the year versus in a lump sum at the end. Read more

 @9GTCJK9 from Louisiana disagreed…6mos6MO

Minimum wage jobs aren't meant for a person to live off of, and if the minimum wage was increased, big companies would fire more people and unemployment would increase.


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