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What is your stance on abortion?


 @9GGHH6H  from Maryland agreed…7mos7MO

There is no biological difference between a new born baby and a baby who is about to be born, meaning birth does not determine personhood. If it does not there must be some other point at which the fetus becomes human. While I could see an argument that this should be heartbeat/brain activity, in my opinion the best candidate is conception, since this is the moment the fetus comes into existence genetically.

 @9GH2R78 from Oregon disagreed…7mos7MO

People aren't usually aborting their babies at 9 months pregnant. When you get an abortion, there is no brain activity in the fetus and it shouldn't be considered a developed baby.

 @9GGHH6H from Maryland commented…7mos7MO

By your logic though fetuses should be considered people at around the 7 week mark, since that is when brain activity begins