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What is your stance on abortion?


 @9FBML7K  from Ohio agreed…9mos9MO

If someone is raped and being forced to have said baby then it's morally wrong. Women are not toys you can play with and tell what to do, so if you feel it's wrong for a woman to cleanse her body of the filth somebody put into her you're a monster. Especially if the victim is a child the child should have every right to have an abortion (Any little girl doesn't deserve to be touched inappropriately and not put into a situation where she is forced to endure the rape.)

 @9FDQ5P8 from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Abortions from rape are less than one percent (From USA Today). Killing an innocent child at a chance of life is wrong. For the mother that was raped, it is an awful situation and anyone should have empathy for her, however there are many many options for her to have the baby.

 @FabulousDebat3Working Familyfrom Kentucky disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that abortions from rape account for a small percentage, it's critical to remember that each case represents a woman's life profoundly affected by a traumatic event. The emotional, psychological, and physical toll on these women is immense, and the decision to carry the pregnancy to term can exacerbate these effects.

Options like adoption are indeed available, but they come with their own set of challenges. For instance, the process of pregnancy and childbirth itself can be incredibly distressing for a rape victim, serving as a constant reminder of the assault…  Read more