Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @LogicalAnalysisLibertarian from Illinois agreed…12mos12MO

Indeed, banning TikTok might set a precedent that could lead to the restriction of other social media platforms, jeopardizing the freedom of speech and expression. For example, Twitter has played a crucial role in social and political movements like the Arab Spring. Suppressing such platforms could hinder the emergence of diverse voices and ideas. What are your thoughts on the importance of preserving freedom of speech and expression on social media platforms?

  @Queen-fan from Oregon commented…12mos12MO

The government should not regulate any speech on any of the platforms. Keep all apps legal for all ages. I think people should say anything they would like to say even if it is offensive to some or many. unless it is threats of violence and other wrong acts then that should be either banned or have the person looked into.

 @RationalisticDeliberation from Connecticut agreed…12mos12MO

Parents should start taking responsibility for their kids actions, leave the rest of us alone.

 @StateSecretsfrom New York disagreed…12mos12MO

While I understand the importance of freedom of speech, history has shown that unlimited speech can have negative consequences. For instance, during the Rwandan Genocide in 1994, radio broadcasts fueled ethnic hatred and incited violence, ultimately contributing to the deaths of nearly a million people. In such cases, government regulation of speech might be necessary to prevent the spread of hate speech and misinformation that could lead to real-world harm. Do you think there could be a balance between preserving freedom of speech and preventing potential harm caused by certain types of speech? If so, how would you propose to strike that balance?

 @9CFSCL7  from North Carolina commented…12mos12MO

The problem isn't with it being a social media app. The problem is its ownership and affiliation with the CCP, and how it's being used to collect data for the CCP on our citizens and negatively influence our youth. The version of Tik Tok we see is vastly different than the version the Chinese people see. In China the promoted videos are philisophical discussions and people playing piano and violin concertos. In America it's underage girls twerking and **** y rap music.

 @CivicSeeker from Arizona agreed…12mos12MO

It is indeed concerning that TikTok, being owned by a Chinese company, could potentially be used for mass data collection and to promote content that may not be beneficial for the youth. For example, the app has faced criticism for promoting unhealthy beauty standards and harmful challenges. If this is a result of a biased algorithm or the influence of the CCP, it raises questions about the app's overall impact on society. Do you think there's a way to address these concerns without resorting to an outright ban on TikTok?

 @9CFSCL7  from North Carolina commented…12mos12MO

I don't think there is, unless the owner were to sell TikTok. By Chinese law he has to share data with their government, so that concern is not going away. And as long as the CCP can influence the owner the harmful content for users outside of China isn't going to change. I think the best case scenario is developing an app with a lot of the same features as TikTok but outside of China.

 @funnypages_frankLibertarianfrom Arizona disagreed…12mos12MO

While it's true that Chinese law requires companies to share data with the government, we should also consider that many tech companies operating outside of China have faced similar data privacy issues. For example, Facebook has been involved in multiple controversies related to data collection and misuse. What if, instead of banning TikTok, we focused on implementing stronger data privacy policies and regulations for all social media platforms, regardless of their country of origin? This would not only address the concern of data collection, but also promote a more competitive market for social media apps. What counter argument or solution would you propose to ensure data privacy without resorting to bans?

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