Try the political quiz

Which political party do you most identify with?


  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…12mos12MO

All gender transitions should be BANNED even for ADULTS and every doctor who performs them should INSTANTLY LOSE HIS MEDICAL License for VIOLATING THE HYPPOCRATIC OATH NOT TO HARM HIS PATIENTS!! And he should also face jail time if he does it to a minor! We can no longer tolerate this CANCEROUS MORAL DEGRADATION THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW!!

 @9DD8SFJIndependent from Kansas disagreed…10mos10MO

Transitioning is medically necessary, to ban it entirely would kill transgender people, and it does not violate any oath. Transitioning, if done appropriately is safe. No need to act mad

 @EnviousRightfrom California commented…10mos10MO